Perfect cool temps, good people, and hard work brought Rattlesnake Canyon Trail back to life during Tuesday's Happy Hour. Downed trees, rutted out trail, and wash outs were fixed thanks to the hard work of six workers including myself. Most of the damage was in the Jesusita Fire burn area where bare canyon walls allowed a flood of water and mud to reign havoc on the trail below.
Yes trail work is hard work but it is rewarding when you look back and see how you've made the trail better for everyone. Stay tuned for the next "Happy Hour" on Tunnel Trail at the end of the month.- Dave
Steve and Matt sawing the downed tree prior to removal

One of the bad "wash outs" before

Paul, Joani, and Matt digging a trail out of the hillside

Finished product

Another "washed out" gulley- before

All filled out and safe to use

The Happy Hour Team-
Steve, Matt, Joani, Sonia, Paul
Thanks guys and gals, you rock! D
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